wide : next instruction uses 16-bit index : index :

wide is placed in front of an instruction that accesses a local variable. You use it to extend the range of local variables available to the instruction from 8 bits (i.e. 0-255) to 16 bits (i.e. 0-65535). In addition, for iinc, it increases the increment range. wide is used in conjunction with one of the following opcodes: aload, dload, iload, fload, lload, astore, dstore, istore, fstore, lstore, iinc and ret. See the reference pages of those instructions for more details.
The opcode that follows wide cannot be the target of a branch.
See also
aload iload fload dload lload astore istore fstore dstore lstore iinc ret
Before After
... ...
Type Description
u1 wide opcode = 0xC4 (196)
u1 <opcode>
u2 <varnum>
or, for iinc, use:
Type Description
u1 wide opcode = 0xC4 (196)
u1 <opcode>
u2 <varnum>
u2 <n>