ishl : integer shift left : index : visitInsn()

Pops two ints off the stack. Shifts value2 left by the amount indicated in the five low bits of value1. The int result is then pushed back onto the stack.

This is the same as computing the expression:

x * 2s

where s is value1 and x is value2.
; This is like the Java code:
;      int x;
;      x <<= 3;
iload_1          ; push integer in local variable 1 onto stack
iconst_3         ; push the integer 3 onto the stack
ishl             ; shift left
istore_1         ; store the result in local variable 1
See also
ishr iushr lshl lshr lushr iand land ior lor ixor lxor
Before After
value1 result
value2 ...
... ...
Type Description
u1 ishl opcode = 0x78 (120)