lor : long integer bitwise or : index : visitInsn()

Pops two long integers off the stack. Computes the bitwise or of value1 and value2. The long integer result replaces value1 and value2 on the stack.
; This is like the Java code:
;       long x;
;       x |= 1;
lload_1          ; load long integer in local variable 1 onto stack
lconst_1         ; push the integer 1 onto the stack
lor              ; compute the bitwise or
lstore_1         ; store the long result in local variable 1
See also
ishl ishr iushr lshl lshr lushr iand land ior ixor lxor
Before After
value1-word1 result-word1
value1-word2 result-word2
value2-word1 ...
value2-word2 ...
... ...
Type Description
u1 lor opcode = 0x81 (129)